BrickBooster LED lighting Kit For 10323 LEGO Pac-Man Arcade Set - Kildare - Toys and games, Kildare - 3153943


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BrickBooster LED lighting Kit For 10323 LEGO Pac-Man Arcade Set - Toys and games

Ref. number: 3153943 Updated: 28-06-2024 08:55

Price: 32.99 USD $

Offering: Toys and games in Ireland, Kildare

Shop for 10323 Lego Pac-Man Arcade set with Brickbooster LED lighting kit in Hong Kong at online ebay. Our lightning kit is designed to complement your Pac-Man Arcade and easy to install. This product LEGO Light Parts are available at ebay for Pac-Man Arcade. Prices: US $32.99 Purchase this product here:

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First name: Zimmi
Last name: Ley
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